Sunday, March 15, 2009

The time does fly...

It has been a while since I updated my blog. The primary reason is my college class load has really been tough on me.

Speaking of college classes, I just wrapped up my Senior Capstone class in which I wrote software to control my Kenwood TS-450S HF rig using the CAT interface.

I built my own interface cable and wrote all of the software. It took eight weeks and a lot of testing but it works very nicely!

The only bad thing is I spent so much time writing code, I did not get to operate. :-(

The good news is the class is done, and I have three more classes before I graduate!

As far as operating... I just worked Jim W0CML out in Parker, CO on 80 meter CW. The band was very good this morning, Jim was 599+20. It was good to work CW again...

More later!

73 Joe N0NS

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