Field Day came and went. I must say, it was one of the best I have experienced and we had nice weather at only a few minor problems that we skated past. My friend Tom called me Friday at work to say we were not going to use my call sign for Field Day, but rather his because his vanity call came in that day. We went with it as his new call is W0EA, quite nice if you ask me both for CW and SSB!We set up six antennas, a 20 meter home brew vertical, a 10 meter vertical, and four dipoles of various lengths and band configurations. We had one antenna fail which prompted Chris and Tom to make a new dipole at 9PM local that Saturday night. Other then that, everything went off without a hitch.
We ran three radios, My TS450S, a Yaesu FT890S and a Icom 736, all on generator power for as close to 24 hours as we could handle. All rigs were running ~100 watts, on three different bands at the same time.
We operated almost the entire 24 hours save a few naps had by each of us.
In the end, we made about 640 QSO's, of which I made 299 of them, 241 of them on CW.
I was getting so good at CW that night, I would decide to camp on a fequency, call CQ and pick up the inbound stations with one go of their call. It was a major accomplishment in my "CW Skill" area and I felt very humbled to come this far using CW.
This was the first time my brother and sister-in-law operated my amateur gear. It made me happy to see because they were fighting to jump in and score points. They could not believe we were talking to stations out in New York and Maine like they were right next to us!
Here is the home brew 20 meter vert, on a 15' pole secured to the flag pole. The base of the vert is at the top of the flag, and I have four 1/4 wave ground radials extending out. This antenna worked *extremely* well for us and held up the entire time! Other dipoles and coax feeds can be seen if you click on the picture to get a bigger view.Tom W0EA is the guy working the Dell "Apple" computer. I am sitting int the middle, Chris KC9GRF is sitting in the far end. My younger brother "Johnny" is standing watching me do my magic.

Here I am with my brother. Hopefully he will get his license sometime!
By the way, please leave me a comment if you have read any part of my blog. I would love to hear from you! My e-mail is nubi78 yahoo dot com 73 Joe N0NS